Welcome Guest Blogger Best Selling Author Suzzette Harrsion

Greetings please read a intimate interview held with the Author Suzette Harrison

Can you tell us something about your latest book Taffy?
Yes, ma’am, I can! But first, thank you for sharing this time with me.
So, about Taffy
Taffy is most definitely “blessed and curvy.” At five-feet-ten-inches of voluptuousness, she’s an above average heroine with an extraordinary story. Taffy is a gray-eyed, chocolate-skinned woman gifted with second sight. The only thing less than average in Taffy’s life is her unwanted union to a man twice her age. But, being young and bold, Taffy has plans: escaping this mess of a marriage her mother forced her into!    
Sounds simple? Think again.
Dissolution of marriage may be commonplace in our times, but it was akin to anathema in Taffy’s.
Wait, I didn’t tell you? Taffy takes place in 1935. That was an era when matrimony was meant for life! Still, Miss Taffy dares to defy the constructs of her time and live a free-woman’s life. What she didn’t anticipate was long-lost love resurrecting and playing a hand in her fate. How will Taffy manage coming face-to-face with Roam Ellis, the man she really meant to marry? Grab a copy of Taffy and come along for the ride!
If you couldn’t tell, I really enjoy Taffy. She falls in the genres of Historical Romance/Historical Fiction, and was released in February 2016. Taffy is a life- and love-story. Taffy is about choices and redemption, exoneration and restoration…with romance to heat those pages in between. If you enjoy a story spiced with mayhem, murder, family secrets and sensuality get ready for Taffy.
Being set in 1935 in a small, southern, all-Black town, Taffy is my first foray outside of contemporary fiction. Don’t tell my other books, but Taffy is my favorite to date! Taffy forced me down into the marrow of the matter. Taffy taught me to write!
What was your inspiration? 
An individual in my life has lived a great portion of their many decades angry at a parent for being unstable and (in their opinion) less than virtuous. I remember one day feeling greatly frustrated by this individual’s relentless anger and insistent lack of forgiveness. I started asking myself ‘what if’ questions. “What if the parent didn’t even do all she’s being accused of doing? What if she’s innocent? What if the parent figure you idolize is really the guilty party?” Those questions resulted in this shadowy figure rising in my mind.   
Taffy was a diaphanous response to my ‘what if’ questions. Over time Taffy developed until she was fully formed, becoming the protagonist of her own story. When you read it, you’ll see how those ‘what if’ questions drive Taffy’s storyline and are answered with an unanticipated climax.
As a woman first, wife, and mother how do you find time to write?

No such thing for me as “finding” writing time, Ms. Patricia. I have to “make” it happen or it won’t.  I’m married (27 years!) with two children (a middle- & high-schooler); and I work outside of the home. Writing after getting off from work is near to impossible. I’m exhausted. Folks are hungry. So…my alarm rings Monday-Friday at 5:00 a.m. for writing time.

From 2000-2014, I was a stay-at-home mom and—to a degree—mistress of my own time and schedule. I could do crazy things like write until midnight; or get up at 3:00 in the morning, writing. Not feasible now that I’m working. A sister needs her sleep! So, until I’m blessed to say ‘goodbye’ to external jobs and say ‘hello’ to full-time “authorpreneurship” my 5:00 A.M. alarm is going to ring.

Lastly, if you could share for someone reading your guest blog what is your mantra to keep going?
“As long as there is life in me, I have another opportunity.”
That’s my personal mantra. It reminds me that even if I haven’t arrived, I’m still here. Being here means another chance, another opportunity. Even when I feel stagnant, I still have God-given energy and mobility. This is about journey. God’s timing differs from my timing. His ways are higher than mine. I get frustrated, yes. I want to host pity parties and dance with despair when my plans don’t manifest fruit when I think they should, or in ways I think they can. But I can’t, you can’t, give up on a dream or destiny just because it doesn’t happen in our self-ordained, specified time. Yes, we’ve messed up some things, disappointed ourselves or others, and perhaps delayed some blessings. But this is right here, right now. And the past is behind. Dare to keep believing, and do differently. As long as I’m breathing I have life. As long as I have life I have chance. Through God, my hopes and dreams will manifest.
“His lips were hot, soft, sweet. Taffy got lost savoring them and him. Oh my blessedness, Taffy inwardly purred, feeling a slow, unsanctioned melting. They’d shared quick, quaint kisses in adolescent sweetheart days. Never this. Never with man-to-woman savoir faire. Resuscitated passions exploded and multiplied. Taffy could barely breathe let alone think, so she followed love’s lead and held on for the ride.”

I absolutely love hearing from and interacting with readers and book clubs in person or via Skype and Facetime. Let’s connect!

Facebook: Suzette Harrison -or- SDH Books
Goodreads: Suzette Harrison
Instagram: suzetteharrison2200
Pinterest: TAFFY, the novel
Twitter: SDH Books @Ariasu62

She’s available in both paperback and eReader
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2bllxAK
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1Nbl9mT
Nook: http://bit.ly/23gvAYd

Taste Taffy & Tell a Friend!


This blog is brought to you by Award Winning Author Patricia A. Saunders


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