Virtual Book Tour : Our Friendship Matters by Kimberly B. Jones
Interview with Author Kimberly B. Jones about her latest book
“We ordered four large pizzas,” said Melissa.
“Seriously, pizza? No salad? I have to watch my amazing figure.”
I glimpsed out the window, people were still protesting. I had imagined that it would have all been over by now. There was Ricardo and some school friends marching in the streets holding signs.
“Chloe stay inside. I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” asked Leah.
“I saw my neighbor, Ricardo. I just want to go talk to him.”
I must talk to him.
“Why?” Leah sighed.
“Because the guy killed by the police was his best friend.”
“There you go with that again.” Leah rolled her eyes. Alright, hurry and I will sit with Chloe until you get back.”
“Thanks, just make sure Chloe gets some pizza and save me a slice.”
I walked into the crowd, bumping into people, and apologizing. I started yelling for Ricardo. I found him but he was fading in the crowd. I focused my eyes on Ricardo’s red shirt and continued through the crowd like I was in a football game running between players holding the ball.
There was a soft tap on my shoulder, it was Ricardo. His eyes were red from screaming and chanting on the street while holding a sign. Protesting seemed like his career.
“What are you doing out here?”
“We won our volleyball championship game, so we went to the Fountain, but I wanted to tell you I am sorry for what happened to your friend.”
At first, I didn’t grasp that it happened to a boy at his school and a close friend of his, but now my heart desired to show sympathy.
“Yeah, he was my best friend, and we were on the basketball team together.”
“So, how did it happen?”
“They mistook him for a guy that robbed a gas station and the bad thing about the situation is they caught the real robber later that night.” As Ricardo was explaining what happened, his eyes began to turn red. “This is too dangerous; you shouldn’t be out here.”
I became interested in more of the story. Wondering exactly what happened to Mitchell and who would tell the story better than his best friend. So, I built up enough guts to ask him how he died?
“The police shot him by mistake, and nothing happened to the cop that shot him; that’s why I’m out here fighting for justice.”
My heart fell below my stomach after listening to Ricardo alarm me of Mitchell’s death. I never met the boy, but I mourned for him like he was my friend too. That could’ve been anybody. It could’ve been Leo or Ricardo. Hell, I could’ve been me.
“I’m sorry for your friend because I saw your post last night, and I wanted to check on you.”
I must help in any way that I could but what could I do? What if something happens to me? I mean the police were deep in downtown St. Louis, on every corner. What if they shoot me by mistake for helping the protesters?
As I turned to walk back to the ice cream parlor, Ricardo grabbed me by the arm.
“We have meetings in my basement every Saturday if you ever want to come to one.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Interesting, but I had too much to do with getting ready for prom and graduation. He kind of convinced me to go though. My skin started to crawl as my mind imagined such a tragedy happening at Chester Academy. We don’t have those problems, so we don’t worry about them. The kids at Chester should join in with the kids at their school to help protest. It would show them that other schools care. Although, it might not be a good idea because the kids at Chester are too rich and snobby to understand.
Leah was sitting with her arms folded, face wrinkled, and cheeks blushing red.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.
I know I’ve left her too long with Chloe, so I gave her a sorry smirk, pushing my lips out for her to forgive me.
Everyone left. She had to stay behind to babysit Chloe, while I chatted with Ricardo.
“What took you so long?”
“I wanted to ask Ricardo more questions about Mitchell, who went to school with them.”
“You shouldn’t be talking to him about that stuff or even be around him. You know how jealous Leo is.”
“I was just curious, and we were childhood friends. Leo has nothing to be jealous of and I won’t let him come between us because there’s nothing going on.”
Leah shoved the pizza in my chest and stormed out the door. Every time I brought up Ricardo, Leah’s face cheeks would flush and her lips would clench. So, why would Leo care if he’s not here? One thing is for sure, I’ve been Leah’s friend for so long that I know she can twist a story. So, I was making it a priority to rush home to call Leo.
When we got home, I ran upstairs to call Leo.
“I’m glad to hear your voice. I laid on my stomach in the bed with my feet in the air and crossed my legs.”
How would you describe yourself? What makes Kimberley, Kimberley?
What makes me is my passionate for writing and expressing how I feel about situations in life. Not only how I feel but making a change through the eyes of world. Letting the world know how others think and may react to situations. Everyone will not see things the way you see them, but I want people to know, it’s okay and the world will change with or without you. My writing is my voice and how I see potential in a change society.
How did you fall in love with writing?
Me and one of my friends in middle grade use to play around in writing but I never had and interest until college.
You have several titles under your belt, particularly several children's books. Is your upcoming book, “Our Friendships Matter” a children's book also and can you tell us more about it?
In Our Friendship Matters, these two girls graduate from a St. Louis, Missouri, private school. But during the summer, they become enemies because one friend decides to protest for her race. One black and one white. But once a tragic accident happens, one must come forward to tell the truth by leaning on the friend she betrayed.
Sasha is the smart one who works hard to get good grades. They both have the jocks at school. Leah doesn't care, what she says goes and if it doesn't go her way, then expect to pay. When one friend is interested in protesting the other gets jealous of the other’s new friends and goes against her. It's all about revenge.
It takes a tragic accident, threats, and leaving the city for one friend to realize that she made a huge mistake. A threat which will make all the high school friends come together and protect her.
So, what was your inspiration behind “Our Friendships Matter”?
What inspired me to write Our Friendship Matters was when African Americans started the Black Lives Matters movement. I would search the internet and watch the news. I would see other groups, like Whites Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, and Blue Lives Matter forming against the Black Lives Matter movement, taking the focus off the real issue. In my view, it wasn’t fair or right. The reason Black Lives Matter started was to stop police brutality against African Americans, which has been happening for decades. Yes, all colors are brutalized by police. But in all reality, African Americans suffer the most.
Another reason I wrote this book is for African American parents who shelter their children from the truth. This isn’t good all the time. Children need to be aware of certain things that could happen because of who they are. That way, when they are faced with reality, they can handle the truth and know what to expect in certain situations.
The world is becoming more diverse and our children are the future that can make change. In this book, two best friends struggle with a friendship because they have been sheltered by money and do not appreciate the role race could play in their lives. Sometimes, we have to sit back and think to ourselves on the point we fought for. We need to think what we can do to make things better. It starts with the youth, who are the future. If we can reach out to them, we can help them, and they can help us make this world a better place.
Do you often draw inspiration from your children and/or students?
Absolutely. As teachers and parents, we have some knowledge to what children like to read because we spend most of our time with them.
I read somewhere that you had an interest in writing children's book about slavery. Would any of your books be categorized that way?
I started off writing children books because my motto was “young children deserve to learn history.” I was fortunate to have a grandma who lived until she was 94 years old, to share with me all her stories of her coming up through the Marcus Garvey Movement, Great Depression, boycotting chain stores, War World I & II, The Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights Movement. I wanted children to know history to make life better for those who pave the way for African Americans today.
I wrote my first children’s book in college and the book that inspired me was White Sox Only. It was a cute book about a young African American girl, who was confused of signs posted that said, “white’s only.” She does not understand the concept of race, but only understands the color.
Do you have a writing routine? If so, please share.
On the weekends, I start writing first thing in the morning. If my son allows it, I can get a full day of writing.
During the weekdays after work, I try to do my daily chores and get writing in for a while. Then, I have to stop to get my 5-yr old son into bed by 8:00pm. After that, it’s back to writing for me.
Kimberley is a professional early childhood educator. She was born in the small town of Saint George, South Carolina, on September 12, 1982. Graduated from Woodland High School in 2000, Benedict College in 2004 with B.S., Child & Family Development, and from Ashford University in 2013 with a Masters in Early Childhood Education.
After receiving her education and being a military spouse, I held several jobs as a preschool teacher and a preschool director, but she wanted to her education to use by writing children’s books. I wrote my first book in college for my children’s literature course. I have self-published several children books located on Amazon.
Currently, I branch off into writing fiction YA, NA, and A novels on issues in society. I love writing and would not change it for nothing in this world I am now representing Rhetoric Askew, a great publishing company.
Social Media:
Twitter: @KimberleyBJones
Instagram: @authorkimberleybjones
Facebook: @AuthorKimberleyBJones
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Patricia A. Saunders
Author, Poet, and Blogger
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