If I Had Wings I Could Fly
Being in total bliss
Feeling like I can soar
Not concerned about anything
Stopped worrying about what others think
Standing up for myself
I look in the mirror and I am in love
With Me!
Not forgetting what struggles I overcame
No more tea and popcorn for dinner
No more wondering if I can make it
I made it!
Down on my knees I pray
Trusting that all will be alright
I take the time to smell the roses
I see the twinkle of each star
No longer rushing to get to nowhere
There is pep in my step
So when he sees me, smiles and says hello
I return the smile and say hello back
The conversations lasts for hours
I feel myself floating
“If I had wings I could fly, so let me contemplate”
(c)2018 There Is Sunshine After The RainSubmitted by;
Patricia A. Saunders
Author, Blogger, Poet
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