Wake Up!

Years ago I wrote my first poem about crimes against African Americans. As I am getting older it's becoming more and more the norm in today's society. From Trayon, Mike, Oscar, Sandra and now Nia. You can't turn on the news and not see that someone in some state, some city, some town has been killed.

Its has little kids scared of police officers because a family member was killed by a cop.

You have black on black crime where we are killing each other over territory.  Here is the reality we don't own the block. No matter how many kilos are sold the truth is the city , the state , and the government owns the block.

You can't drive on the highway even because a rival might recognize you, it was part of an initiation, or you happen to cut them off and the road rage had them pull out a glock to even the score.

I write about injustice and even how a college educated woman could be pulled over, asked about the car she is driving if it is hers, ask her to do a sobriety test because you smell alcohol and arrest her. Funny thing she has never drank or smoked but this is the lesson you're going to teach her.

I write about how you can be a youth hanging out with your friends listening to some hip hop music in your car  in a state that approved  STAND YOUR GROUND so when he asked you to turn down your music and you refused he was justified to pull the trigger.

Chicago is rated amoung the highest  murder rates cities in the United States.

I write about two individuals coming from two different sides of the railroad. Doing the same crime. One serves life in prison and the other becomes a senator.


Do you not remember a young boy age 14 was accused of whisteling at a white woman , he was beaten beyond recognition , and killed. The woman come forth many years later to say she gave a false testimonry.

In the late 19th century, lynching was a form of punishments whites would punish blacks. It's still happening in today's world.

Brown vs. The Board of Education where we wanted the same education as our non black brothers and sisters. Where my parents didn't have the opportunity to take part but I was the first college graduate out of my father's 7 children and went on to get my Masters.

The Fifteen Amendment to the United States Constituion states that we all have the rights to vote. Yet we are seeing still in 2018 voting stations closing early in urban communities . We have locations changing at the last minute. When an African American is winning in the polls there is a belief that it can't be happening. We must have the tallies recounted. We must wait until the last minutes which means weeks later to know if we have the first Femal African American Mayor in a large metropolitan city.

We had a African American President that had to prove that he was not a Muslim, he was born in the United States and had to show his birth certificate.

Now we have one who doesn't know that Puerto Rico is a part of the United States, hasn't shown his tax returns, and has used the N* word to describe a person of color.

All I am saying is let there be peace!

Martin Luther King walked for justice

Malcolm X wanted all to be educated on the truth

I started my educated off at a Historically Black University College and it changed my life because I learned my history.

I learned from my parents born in 1904 and 1926 that we can coexist and communicate without fighting.

I have family members who have taken an oath to serve and protect

I have family members who step into a court room daily to defend and prosecute for justice

Let's not make the prison system the top revenue generating business where majority of our sons, husbands, and brothers will die in.

When you see me don't be afraid because I come in peace!

Submitted by

Patricia A. Saunders

Author, Poet, Blogger

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