Back in the saddle again
Welcome back !!!
It's a new year and people are making promises to do things differently
Going to the gym, eating healthier and turning over a new leaf
Also what we have stayed low key about is how many people are afraid what this new year is going to bring
There is a new leadership, new agendas, and people are scared that they won't be heard.
So for those of us over fifty years old let's get back to basics!!!
For those who are faith based get back into your relationship with your prayer life
For those who want to start their own business start asking those who you admire to mentor you
For those are angry because of the situation remember the mind is a powerful tool that no one can take
from you .
Stop and get back in the saddle again there is a wealth of resources in front of you.
We as a people we need to come together and help each other and not divide
If I have a wealth of knowledge on a subject and someone was to ask me for advice I would gladly share it
I think we are going to see alot more home entertainment, potlucks, co-ops, rent parties
Women are powerful because we have the talent to nurture others, multi-tasks and run two businesses at the
same time ( our homes and other we get a check from).
Think like our parents who went through so much worse and how they overcame obstacles
So yes take care of your mind, body and soul!
Get that old school mentality where you thought out your strategy of how you will not be defeated but how
you will get back in the saddle again and you win!!!
Patricia A. Saunders
Blogger, Author, Poet
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